Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Blogfest Bernard Pivot

Thanks, Nicole Ducleroir. This was a great idea to get to find new blogs. If you're wondering what I'm doing click on the Blogfest button on the right.

1. What is your favorite word? Perseverance

2. What is your least favorite word? How about a phrase. “This is not for us.”

3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? Something or someone who makes me laugh.

4. What turns you off? Know it alls who think they know it all without really knowing it all. You know?

5. What is your favorite curse word? Shit

6. What sound or noise do you love? I love the sounds of the keys on my laptop click-clacking at crazy speed.

7. What sound or noise do you hate? Whining….oh, the pain.

8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Writer, but if that can’t happen I’m considering becoming a ventriloquist or the dummy.

9. What profession would you not like to do? Waitress. Ug! I did it for years and just thinking about it makes my back hurt.

10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? “By the skin of your teeth.”


J.L. Campbell said...

I love your response to number 8! If it had to be me, I'd much rather be the ventriloquist though.

Crazy Life of a Writing Mom said...

Perseverance. That's a beautiful word. I also like surreptitiously. "Why?" you ask.

"Because it reminds me of pana-cakes," I reply.

Jessica Bell said...

Believe me. Waitressing is Ugh! :o) Thanks for following my blog! :o)

Lola Sharp said...

Ha! "by the skin of your teeth"...LOVE. :)

Whining *cringe* also made my list of sounds I dislike.

Unknown said...

Favorite curse word: shit...mine is sounds so good rolling off my tongue. LOL

You're right about: by the skin of your teeth...

Samantha Vérant said...

OMG. Love it. By the skin of your teeth--that is so me. ***waves and follows back!***

Unknown said...

Writer, ventriloquist, or dummy -- too funny! God's probably going to have the same comment for me when I get there. *sigh*

Thanks so much for playing along!!

Kittie Howard said...

Love 'by the skin of your teeth' *wish I'd thought of that*

I'm dropping in from the blogfest and am your newest follower. I'm at www.kittiehoward.blogspot

L.A. Colvin said...

Oh I could so be the dummy! :) Love #10 that's classic.

Linda Gray said...

Perseverance, I love that! Right there with you on #2. If I never hear that again it will be too soon! LOL! What a fun blogfest. Thanks for sharing!

Ann said...

The ventriloquist or the dummy. Love it. Nice to meet you fellow Crusader.

Jessica A. Briones said...

Wow! We have something in common apparently we both have moderately disobedient children ;)... Great list by the way love your answer to #10.
Thanks for the follow!


Sylvia Ney said...

I really like your responses to #2 and #8 - too perfect! If you get a chance, check out my answerts at:

Cherie Reich said...

Great answers! Love #8 and #10. :)

LTM said...

oh, God, yes. #2, #2... you win. Ahh, we have the same favorite curse word... and yes, the clickity clack. All good stuff~ :o) <3

DL Hammons said...

I love your favorite word, and #10. Well done! :)

j.m. neeb said...

Now that is a fantastic final answer! I love it! :)

Margo Berendsen said...

Ah, I think that the sound of the keys on my keyboard probably should be my revised answer- because that means i'm getting writing done! And I agree with you on the whining, too! I'm a new follower.

Tara said...

Hello, fellow Crusader. Nice to meet ya.

Denise Covey said...

Lovely answers. I'm definitely anti-whiner in any form! Go the crusade!


BK Mattingly said...

#5, we're the same :)
#10, ha, ha love it.

I'm following you now too!

J.C. Martin said...

*LOL* Love your answer to #10!

Aleeza said...

perseverence is such a pretty word! and i'm with you on the whining part--it really pisses me off. the answers to no. 6 & 10 are awesome :D
anyway, youve got a really nice blog! im a new follower, hi! :)

Anonymous said...

Completely know what you mean by # 4! Great answers!

Kari Marie said...

I love your favorite word. It's powerful. #10 is excellent.

Heather said...

LOVING #10. That would be me too! Thanks for visiting me! Nice to meet 'cha!

Al said...

two year olds whining. Worse still 20 year olds who never grew out of the terrible twos

Tracy said...

How fun! thanks for stopping by to check out my answers and I'm afraid I'll just have to stay :)
I love your answer to number 10...that is wonderful!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi, Diana,

Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday.... I give an official welcome to my new friends. Today you are listed. So I hope you drop by...

Love your answer to #1


Hart Johnson said...

Like both your 'word choices'--Perserverence is an identity thing for me... funny, I never thought about the word much before...

And ACK--the whining! Just shoot me now!

PK HREZO said...

LOL. "This is not for us" Yep, pretty much hate that one. And I waitressed for like ten years. UGH!
Nice to meet you! :)

Raquel Byrnes said...

That's cute. Dropping by from the crusade to say hello.

Susan Oloier said...

I really enjoyed your answers. Perseverence--yes! An important word to know as a writer. I appreciated #s 9 & 10, too. I was a waitress way back when for three months. That didn't work out too well.
I am also a mom of two and have written three novels (working on finishing a fourth). Still no luck with agents for me either.
I will definitely follow your blog and check back often.

Shannon said...

Finally making my way over for the blogfest! Sorry I'm late visiting.

Love #2 and #4 - agreed! Good to get to know you!

Unknown said...

Some day I will have time to read and write. Until then, just dropping in to hopefully make your 100!